Understanding the addiction cycle of smoking

Feb 14 , 2023

Rusan Pharma

Understanding the addiction cycle of smoking

Millions of individuals worldwide suffer from addiction to cigarette smoking. Many people still struggle to stop smoking despite the well-known health hazards that it brings.

This is because smoking addiction is not solely a problem of willpower or control. It's essential to understand the addiction cycle of smoking if you want to break this bad habit. In this blog, we'll delve into the nuances of the smoking addiction cycle and look at methods for assisting people in getting over their addiction.

First, let’s understand the addiction cycle of smoking:

1.     Cigarette/tobacco smoking - Several things can trigger the start of smoking. Peer pressure, where friends or coworkers encourage or pressure you to smoke, genetic addiction, where children of smokers are more likely to smoke, and psychological reasons including depression and poor mental health are a few examples. It always starts with the smallest dose, then quickly increases to 20 or more cigarettes per day, reaching the highest level of nicotine dependency.

2.    Dependence on Nicotine - When nicotine enters the body, certain endorphins are released, providing a smoker with much-needed pleasure and satisfaction. Nicotine acts as a mood stabilizer and mood modulator, which the smoker craves when one of his or her triggers is activated.

3.    Withdrawal symptoms  - Smoking abstinence can lead to major withdrawal symptoms which include having trouble sleeping, gaining weight, not being able to concentrate, feeling uneasy and uncomfortable all the time, and even leading emotional factors such as feeling anxious, sad, or depressed. This mostly happens when a smoker is trying to quit smoking and these withdrawal symptoms are most prominent during the first week of quitting.

4.    Craving for nicotine - The dependency and appetite for nicotine also increase along with the severity of the withdrawal symptoms. Smokers who try to quit smoking are likely to have intense nicotine cravings in the early going. If this happens, they will likely resort to smoking again and fall back into the vicious addiction cycle of smoking.
Now that we know the addiction cycle, let’s learn the steps to tackle this cycle:

1.    Admit your addiction - This is one of the most important steps, that is to admit that you have an addiction problem. It is not easy, but as soon as a smoker admits to his/her addiction problem, it becomes much easier for them as well as for their loved ones to support them in their quitting journey.

2.    Seek professional and loved ones' help - Once you’ve admitted your addiction problem, immediately seek professional help/treatment as well as inform your loved ones. Loved ones can support and motivate you throughout your quitting journey. Professional treatments can include therapy, medications, and other approaches which will help lessen the withdrawal symptoms, thus increasing the chances of quitting successfully.

3.    Use nicotine replacement therapy products - The best ways for giving your body a controlled dose of nicotine are nicotine patches and nicotine gums. The strength of cravings lessens as a result of using these items, and eventually, the smoker is on the edge of giving up smoking and adopting a smoke-free lifestyle.

4.    Identify your triggers  - It’s very important to identify the triggers which lead you to want to smoke. It can be situations, emotions, or activities, which activate your trigger to smoking. Recognize these triggers, and develop coping strategies to live a smoke-free life.

5.    Implement changes - Using NRT products or seeking expert help are not adequate measures on their own. It's crucial to make the required lifestyle adjustments as well. It is important to bring the necessary changes to your lifestyle as well. For example, start exercising or meditating, adopt a healthy diet, drink plenty of water, etc. This can all lead to improved lung and heart functions and give you the immense benefits of quitting smoking.

6.    Join a support group - Throughout the quitting process, joining a support group can give encouragement, accountability, and a feeling of community. Support groups can provide useful tips, resources, and a secure space for people to discuss their experiences and challenges. This may boost motivation and confidence while also providing a network of others who are similarly committed to living a smoke-free life.

7.    Celebrate your milestones - Celebrating special moments and achievements can give positive reinforcement and encouragement during the quitting process. This can include milestones like the first day without smoking or reaching a certain number of smoke-free days. Celebrating with friends or loved ones might help to strengthen your commitment to living a smoke-free life.

Quit Smoking With 2baconil

If you are struggling to quit smoking, you can try Quit Smoking With 2baconil. They have options that will help you in your quitting journey, like nicotine transdermal patches and gums. Nicotine gum therapy can help reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms and cravings associated with quitting smoking. Here are some benefits of using 2baconil:

1.    It's easy to use: Simply chew the gum when you experience cravings or nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

2.    Reduces Cravings: It can help reduce cravings for cigarettes, making it easier to quit smoking.

3.    Convenient: It is a convenient method for quitting smoking and can be used anywhere, anytime.

4.    Flexible Dosage: 2baconil nicotine gum therapy comes in a variety of dosages, allowing you to tailor your treatment to your individual needs.

5.    It can help reduce withdrawal symptoms: Nicotine gum for Quitting smoking can cause withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, anxiety, and difficulty concentrating.

6.    It can increase the chances of quitting: Studies have shown that nicotine gum therapy, can increase the chances of quitting smoking.

2baconil Nicotine Transdermal Patch

In addition to nicotine gum therapy, 2baconil also offers a nicotine transdermal patch, which can help you quit smoking by reducing nicotine cravings. Here are some of the benefits of using the 2baconil nicotine patch:

1.    Continuous Nicotine Delivery: The nicotine patch delivers a steady dose of nicotine over time, helping to reduce cravings for cigarettes.

2.    Convenient: The nicotine transdermal patch plan is convenient and easy to use, and can be worn discreetly under clothing.

3.    Flexible Dosage: The nicotine patches come in a variety of dosages, allowing you to tailor your treatment to your individual needs.

It can be challenging to stop using nicotine since addiction to it is a strong force that can keep you trapped in a loop of cravings and withdrawal symptoms. You can better prepare yourself for the challenges of quitting smoking and create strategies for dealing with cravings and withdrawal symptoms by knowing the stages of the addiction cycle.

It is crucial to look for help and resources, such as counseling, support groups, and products for nicotine replacement therapy, in order to overcome the addiction cycle of smoking. It's important to keep in mind that quitting smoking is a process that requires time and effort, but with the correct resources and support, it is possible to break the cycle of addiction and lead a healthy, smoke-free life.